Honest 老實說

Don't know why I keep trying 我不知道我為什麼仍然持續嘗試

When everybody famous 當所有人追求名氣

Says fame is not the greatest 我仍堅持名聲並不是最重要的


Honest 老實說

It's too hard to be honest  誠實實在是太難了

When everybody's faking 當所有人都在裝

And all they feel is vacant 他們所感受到的也是空虛的


But what would I be 但我會變得如何呢

If I said Imma stop 如果我說我想要停止一切

How can I dream 我要如何繼續做美夢

When I gotta wake up 當我應該起床時


In the city of millions 在有著數百萬人口的城市

Millions 百萬

Don't be sad 別難過

If I'm just not the one 如果我不是那個會成名的人

In the city of millions 在有著數百萬人口的城市

Millions 百萬

I'll just keep pushing my luck 我會繼續放手一搏

Until I give up 直到我放棄為止

Until I give up 直到我放棄為止

Until I give up 直到我放棄為止

Until I give up 直到我放棄為止


I'm over-thinking too much 我總是考慮太多

Thinking that I can't do enough 總是覺得自己沒有做足

Wrote too many songs about love 寫太多情歌

So I never really learned to grow up 所以我從來沒有真正長大

I don't wanna be young rich and famous 我不想年輕有錢又有名

If I can't still be myself 如果我無法做自己的話

So until my music gets all famous 所以直到我的音樂全都廣為人知

I'll spend morе time on myself 我會投注更多心思在我自己身上


So what will I be 所以我會變得如何呢

If I said Imma stop 如果我說我想要停止一切

How can I drеam 我要如何繼續做美夢

When I gotta wake up 當我應該起床時


In the city of millions 在有著數百萬人口的城市

Millions 百萬

Don't be sad 別難過

If I'm just not the one 如果我不是那個會成名的人

In the city of millions 在有著數百萬人口的城市

Millions 百萬

I'll just keep pushing my luck 我會繼續放手一搏

Until I give up 直到我放棄為止

Until I give up 直到我放棄為止

Until I give up 直到我放棄為止

Until I give up 直到我放棄為止

    創作者 K粒 的頭像


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